Saturday, January 26, 2008


alright, all this snow is making me sad. i really dont mind snow. honest. around Christmas time. maybe some for New Year's. but this is just... i mean, enough is enough, i'm telling you!!! so, since we're having all these snow storms, i've been thinking warm thoughts... Spring... flip-flops... you know, last year in Australia. i really had enough of Winter this year. it's just SO extremely long!!! but as an old Russian song says "у природы нет плохой погоды" (loosely translated "nature doesnt have bad weather"). i think they tried to say that you gotta be grateful for all of it. i'm trying. i really am. but all this snow. have mercy!!! SO, thinking warm, Springy thoughts, i thought of an OLD Russian poem that they made us memorize in... oh, i dont know, 2nd or 3rd grade. i dont remember all of it, but i looked it up on line and there it was. i really wont be able to interpret all of it into English. that's like... interpreting Shakespeare. that's wrong, right? ANYHOO, basically, it's about Winter getting upset because its time is over and Spring is coming. and they have this little 'fight' and Winter got really upset threw a whole lot of snow at Spring. but Spring just washed itself in that snow and became more beautiful. something like that. but for all of those who do speak Russian... enjoy and remember the good old days of school.

Зима недаром злится,
Прошла ее пора -
Весна в окно стучится
И гонит со двора.

И все засуетилось,
Все нудит Зиму вон -
И жаворонки в небе
Уж подняли трезвон.

Зима еще хлопочет
И на Весну ворчит.
Та ей в глаза хохочет
И пуще лишь шумит...

Взбесилась ведьма злая
И, снегу захватя,
Пустила, убегая,
В прекрасное дитя...

Весне и горя мало:
Умылася в снегу,
И лишь румяней стала,
Наперекор врагу.

-Федор Тютчев

1 comment:

ashley said...

i am in minnesota and i would swear it has been way too cold here way too long. but i guess i can't complain, seeing as how i would imagine russia is MUCH colder. but i, like you, am just dying for spring to get here soon!

stay warm.